Garland UK Solar yield analysis
Transform your building with solar energy

Solar PV systems for your business

Solarise PV systems equip businesses with dependable renewable energy solutions, significantly reducing operational costs and carbon emissions.

Benefits of Solar PV systems:

  • Utilise idle roof space effectively
  • Cut energy expenses with fast ROI
  • State of the art Solarwatt PV panels
  • Suitable for use with all Garland roofing systems
Solarwatt glass-glass panel

How a building manages its energy consumption can have a significant environmental impact

Retrofitting buildings with thermally efficient roofing systems and solar PV panels are among the most sustainable choices you can make to reduce your negative environmental impact.

From promoting energy independence to demonstrating a commitment to environmentally friendly practices, adopting a solar PV system is a win-win for businesses.

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Lower operational running costs

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Minimise the impact of energy price increases

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Reduce the carbon output

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Fast return on investment

German Engineered Solar PV Panels

Garland UK is proud to partner with Solarwatt to include their high-quality PV panels as part of our Solarise Solar PV system.

This collaboration brings together Garland UK’s expertise in roofing and waterproofing with Solarwatt’s leading-edge solar technology, offering commercial building owners a robust, efficient, and sustainable energy solution. Solarwatt, renowned for its durable and high-performance solar panels, provides extensive guarantees that ensure long-term reliability and performance

  • Up to 30 year guarantee
  • Exceptional performance and efficiency
  • Environmental responsibility
close up of solarwatt classic solar pv panel

Market-leading product and performance guarantees on all Solarwatt PV panels

Solarwatt is renowned for its robust and reliable solar panels, which come with exceptional guarantees designed to give our customers long-lasting peace of mind.

Solarwatt’s comprehensive guarantees ensure that your investment in solar energy is protected. This complements the extensive Single-Point Guarantee offered by Garland UK on all our waterproofing and roofing systems, creating a seamless and secure solution for your building’s energy and structural needs.

Performance Guarantee:

  • The power of the solar modules decreases to no less than 97% in the first year
  • From the second to the 29th year (24th) the power output of the modules decreases by no more thank 0.345% per year
  • In the 30th year (or 25th year), the guaranteed power output equals 87% or more
render of solarwatt panel and hail stones

Start Your Solar Journey

Solar yield analysis report mockup

Solar Yield Analysis

In the initial stages of your solar project, our dedicated Technical Manager will conduct a thorough assessment of your roof’s suitability for a solar PV system.

Following your detailed solar yield analysis you will receive:

  • a comprehensive report summarising production, cash-flow projection, initial budget, and environmental analysis.
  • Proposed system design bespoke  to your building’s specific requirements.
  • An initial budget that includes potential roof refurbishment costs and a breakdown of expected savings and payback period.

Solarise Credentials

Solar PV Design Considerations

Building energy usage

Understanding the building’s day to day operations will have a significant impact on the PV panel design, whether it is a school that is open 5 days a week to a factory that is open and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Pitch and orientation

Solarise can be installed on a building of any orientation. Consideration of the roof pitch will ensure the PV panel design is not affected by high shade areas, or alternatively if a wall-mounted system may be more suitable.

Roof structure

The volume of PV panels required to meet your desired energy requirements can considerably increase the load on the existing roof structure. Early consideration, during the design stage, will assess the structural integrity of the roof.

Existing plant & access points

Your Technical expert can advise on a bespoke PV panel design to maximise carbon reduction and energy yield, whilst allowing for your existing roof access, plant and service requirements.

Green Roofs

A perfect way to bring underutilised roof spaces to life. Combining green roof and PV panels provides an ultra-sustainable roof, that has been carefully engineered to offset the building’s operational carbon footprint.

Planning permission

Typically the installation of a PV system doesn’t require planning permission. Your Technical Manager will consult with your local authority to ensure the installation is compliant and meets all levels of Building Regulations.

Solar yield analysis report

Fast return on capital investment, with typical payback between 4-6 years.

The Solarise system will pay for itself in a short space of time, effectively producing energy for a building with significant cost savings.

As electrical tariffs rise, these returns will become quicker, and businesses will likely see themselves paying off the initial cost of installing PV panels around year 4. Meaning from year 5, they will save on their annual running costs.

Our Technical Managers will work with you to conduct a detailed survey of your building, creating a tailored report that accurately calculates the energy-saving and financial benefits of your Solarise installation.

solar pv system install on bituminous flat roofing system

Solar Mounting Systems

We understand that the right mounting system is crucial for the efficiency and longevity of your solar PV installation.

Our wide range of mounting solutions caters to various roofing types, ensuring optimal performance and durability. Our range ensures secure installation, optimal performance, and long-lasting durability, tailored to your roofing system.


Solarise Frequently Asked Questions

The Solarise PV solar system can be installed to a wide range of roofing systems.

When considering solar energy systems there are several factors that need to be considered in order to identify the energy requirements of your building.

If you still have any questions please contact your Garland Technical Manager.

What type of maintenance is required?

Solar panels are generally self-cleaning, especially if positioned at an angle of over 15 degrees. We advise that Solarise systems be visually inspected once a year and cleaned if necessary.

Do you need a south-facing roof?

Solarise panels have a range of frames, mounts and fixings, which means that whilst the south-facing roof is preferred, north-facing roofs can still benefit. The Solarise system can be installed on any roof orientation and still achieve electricity generation targets.

How long does it take to see a return on investment?

Renewable energy generation provides an excellent return on capital investment. On average, you can see a return on your investment in as little as 4 years of a Solarise installation.

How much energy will Solarise generate?

This will depend on several factors, such as the building’s geographical location, orientation and pitch. Your Technical Manager will carry out detailed surveys and reports to calculate the expected energy savings and financial benefits of your Solarise installation.

What can Solarise be installed on?

The bespoke frame and mounting options ensure the Solarise system can be installed on any Garland UK waterproofing system. This includes bituminous membranes, metal profiles, cold-applied liquid coatings, or green roof systems.

What is the life expectancy of a PV panel last?

Solarwatt panels are guaranteed for up to 30 years and are expected to generate at least 97 % of the measured minimum output in the first year. They will not decrease by more than 0.35 % per year in the 29 following years.

Get in touch with your local
Garland Technical Manager