The public sector framework, worth over £180 million, will support the design, supply and installation of roofing and associated works, allowing local authorities, NHS trusts, social landlords and a variety of other public bodies to source pre-approved local suppliers on their projects.
As an LHC Framework appointed company, Garland UK will support public procurement projects across England and Wales, working with the Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA), Consortium Procurement Construction (CPC), South West Procurement Alliance (SWPA) and the London Housing Consortium (LHC).
Free to use for the public sector, the OJEU compliant framework will allow our clients to benefit from a fast and efficient method of procurement, with trusted technical expertise and agreed terms and rates on their project. Although primarily intended for public sector projects, the framework, its awarded suppliers and expert contractors may also be utilised by private businesses.
Working in partnership with the LHC, Garland UK will support a variety of projects with our high-performance roofing systems, from public and residential buildings, including schools and universities, to high rise multi-occupancy residential buildings and sheltered accommodation.